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New students must meet in person with the program director for their degree program when registering for classes for the first time.

Returning students are expected to register online using the following procedures:

  1. Select the courses from those for which you are eligible.
  2. Log onto the TouroOne Portal at
  3. Click on TC-Web using the student TC-Web link located in the Quick Launch Navigation panel.
  4. If there are any holds on your account, you will NOT be able to register for any courses until the holds are cleared.
  5. In the upper right hand corner of the TCWeb screen, check to see that you are in the correct semester. If not, click on Change Terms and select the correct semester.
  6. Make sure that the correct program information is located in the Department field.
  7. In the Find Classes menu, select the course number of the first course you are approved to register for and click add. Make sure the appropriate section suffix is also included.
  8. Repeat Step 7 for each course you are approved to take.

Once these steps are complete, go to My Schedule to review the choices you’ve made.