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M.S. in Web and Application Development

Become an expert web and app programmer with our newest concentration! Gain credentials for developer management positions.

For industry professionals, recent computer science graduates, as well as newcomers to the industry.

Career options include:

• Web Developer

• Application Developer

• Web Programmer

• Mobile App Developer

• Mobile Engineer

Program Requirements


Core Courses
12 credits



Web & App Development
Required Courses
12 credits



Web & App Development
Elective Courses
9 credits



Total Courses
33 credits

M.S. in Web and Application Development Required Courses

MSIN 615

Database Management and Administration

This course provides students with a solid foundation in database management and design concepts and related skills. The course will explore database design techniques such as database models, normalization, database modeling/design tools such as Microsoft Visio and UML, database management concepts such as indexing, database implementation techniques using a RDBMS such as SQL Server Express. Students will design and implement databases and use SQL to construct simple queries, sub-queries, and basic inner joins to retrieve and manipulate data.
Prerequisite: WMMN 607 or equivalent
3 Credits

MSIN 617

Web and Application Development

Introduces the development of Internet-based applications using client/server-side scripting. Modern programming principles and best practices related to web and application development are reviewed, as well as the creation of dynamic websites and mobile applications. The course addresses organizational concerns about web applications, maximum use of technology in today's market, and retention of data integrity. Students develop and implement dynamic, interactive, database-driven client/server applications using various technologies. Students will learn how to develop a website through the use of code using scripting languages such as Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS).
Prerequisite: Completion of required preparatory courses (if applicable).
3 Credits

MSIN 625

Advanced Web and Application Development

Expands on the material covered in MSIN 617 by presenting advanced concepts of server-side languages used to develop more robust web or mobile applications and increase the level of interaction between client and server communication. Explores advanced techniques for web and application programming using current technologies, with a focus on applying advanced scripting technologies to the design and development of large web applications. Major topics include tiered application design, transacted web applications, components, and web services.
Prerequisite: MSIN 617
3 Credits

MSIN 636

Website Engineering

Learn the basics of server side programming covering common computer science concepts like variables, logical expressions, loops, and functions as well as more advanced topics like form validation, I/O, user interfaces and version control. We take a deep dive into understanding how to connect our web application to database servers and perform CRUD operations for updating the database with the end goal of developing a dynamic and persistent web application.
Prerequisite: MSIN 625
3 Credits

M.S. in Web and Application Development Elective Courses

MSIN 626

Database Security

This course explains why database security is becoming increasingly important and critical to businesses and individuals. It demonstrates different methods/approaches that can be used to compromise the data in a database and what types of remedies can be applied. It addresses the underlying concepts of security and shows how database security can be realized by implementing Windows OS security, network security, SQL Server security and Web application security. It describes how auditing is used to help implement database security. It illustrates how a robust backup and recovery plan can help secure a database. Students will implement database security using Windows OS and SQL Server.
Prerequisite: MSIN 615, MSIN 616
3 Credits

MSIN 630

Web Database Application Development

Introduces the principles and practices for implementing and designing medium-sized web database applications. Students learn to apply web programming technology and tools for database implementation to the web, including server-side scripting, session management, and authentication. Also investigated are Internet database application issues including database design, human computer interface (HCI) techniques, and evaluation criteria for designing good web database applications.
Prerequisite: MSIN 615
3 Credits

MSIN 638

Mobile Application Development

Learn how to build mobile applications with this advanced course in app development. The course explores the creation of applications for current popular mobile computing devices. Emphasis is placed on the processes, tools and frameworks required to develop applications for current and emerging mobile computing devices, as well as the entire software development life-cycle.
Prerequisite: MSIN 625
3 Credits

MSIN 650

Social Web Technologies

Students learn how to program web applications powering current popular social networks, including web technologies powering Web 2.0 services, web-based applications that are highly interactive, conversational, and participatory. Topics covered may include folksonomy, tagging, social networks, blogs, wikis, geospatial web, semantic web, Ajax, REST web services, RSS syndication and mashups. Student increase their skills in evaluating new web technologies from a cultural and business perspective and developing proof-of-concept web applications.
Pre- or Corequisite: MSIN 617
3 Credits

MSIN 656

Intranet and Portal Development

Examines how organizations can exploit inexpensive web technologies for in-house applications such as corporate information dissemination, internal social networking, and more. Various open-source and commercial portal technologies are explored. Students learn how to develop and design intranet and portal applications.
Pre- or Corequisite: MSIN 617
3 Credits

MSIN 668

Designing Cloud Solutions

Cloud computing gives businesses the ability to balance their needs with available resources. Students learn how to properly design cloud solutions and deploy web and software applications, databases, and user interfaces in a cloud environment. The course focuses on architecture and design considerations within the cloud, and offers practical experience in designing, developing, and deploying cloud-based solutions.
Pre- or Corequisite: MSIN 617
3 Credits

MSIN 675

Professional Internship Experience

The student will work in a professional environment, for a minimum of 480 hours over a period of at least two semesters. Students may secure an internship independently or may work with the GST Department of Career Services. Weekly logs and examples of work are required for the successful completion of the internship, and are reviewed by the Faculty Internship Coordinator, upon completion of the internship. The purpose of the internship is to provide students with practical, hands-on experience in their chosen field of expertise to complement their coursework. The Internship must be approved in advance by the program chair.
Pre- or Corequisite: Permission of the Program Chair
3 Credits

Any Other Elective Approved by the Dean

M.S. in Web and Application Development Preparatory Courses

Students with insufficient background in computer science or information systems will be required to complete some or all of these courses:

MSIN 411

Computer Concepts

The IT Essentials (ITE) curriculum emphasizes practical experience to help students develop fundamental computer and career skills. ITE helps students prepare for entry-level career opportunities in ICT and the CompTIA A+ certification. The course also provides a learning pathway to Cisco CCNA.
1 Credit

WMMN 605/.6

Web Programming I / Lab

This course introduces students to the fundamentals of computer programming. Students will learn the standard concepts of input/output, variables, control structures, and functions as well as practical skills such as testing and debugging methodology. These concepts will be applied in designing dynamic web pages which implement problem-solving techniques. Other languages and concepts which are relevant to the course material will be introduced as they come up and students will receive suggestions for researching these topics further on their own.

Students will apply the skills they are learning in class to hands-on programming projects in a fully interactive setting where they will be able to seek assistance from each other as well as consulting with an experienced staff member. Students will master the programming skills they are being taught and deepen their understanding of the concepts as they gain actual experience and consider the material from an applied perspective.
3 Credits + 1 Credit Lab

WMMN 606

Web Programming II

This course builds on the introductory concepts covered in WMMN 605, progressing to more advanced computer programming concepts. There is a strong emphasis on object oriented programming including inheritance and possibly polymorphism. Additional topics which may be covered include recursion, lambda expressions, regular expressions, scope and closure, and exception handling.
3 Credits

WMMN 607

Database Concepts and Design

Covers the database concepts that are the foundation and building blocks of sound database design and management. It explains why good database design is critical to the accurate and efficient storage and retrieval of data. The course will explore database design techniques such as database models, database modeling/design tools using Microsoft Visio. The course identifies the functions provided by a database management system to help insure the integrity of data. It teaches students how to design a database that maximizes data integrity using normalization techniques. Students will use MS Access interface to create and populate a database. It also covers the use of SQL to create and populate tables, retrieve and update data.
3 Credits